
Our universe has been constructed only to vex us.

Hodge is also buddies with Season 1 head writer Elliott Kalan, that could make it happen!

That’s what I heard, anyway.

I was clearly a big dupe because I always bought into whatever the Ninja Turtles needed me to learn about drugs.  As an adult I wonder what community service requirement Eastman & Laird had gone and DUI’d themselves into but as a kid, I knew I wasn’t a chicken, *you* were a turkey.

Yeah what was upsetting was not the word so much as the idea that somebody was ignoring all the After-School Specials we were all supposed to be learning from.

The first time I was called the N-word was at camp.

I will ask this on every one of your articles:

I mentioned this is another comment, but you can drastically update the controls and graphics options if you own the original game and install the Corsix mod:

If you can’t cure anyone’s Bloaty Head, why even bother with this?

Really enjoyed this content from Stu and his friend Default Human.

That is awesome, but somebody please fix the aspect ratio on Mario All-Stars! FOR THE CHILDREN.

I too would like his name and address for... no reason.

Winona Ryder’s non-stop manic mugging is really undercutting dude’s speech.

A mushroom for his mushroom, if you will.

You’re disgusting. Never change.

Tim when is coming back??!1?

Are there spoilers for Kingsmen 2? I still wanna see it...

The best wife is Harvey obviously. WTF.

This is my Vita life for the past two years. Hellooo finally playing Nuclear Throne, Don’t Starve, Risk of Rain, (re-play) Fez, and then also newer stuff I could’ve gotten on PC for nothing and then ignored like Darkest Dungeon and Child of Light.

Uh-huh. Totally.