
What is the white guy in the middle of the video doing holding his hands up? Is it a salute? Is he preventing punches from raining down the ‘comedian’ in question? Is he trying to get in his face?

Yeah! Case in point: Ghostbusters.

I listened to the title track, lemme help you out: it sucks.

There were very fine planets on BOTH sides of the asteroid belt.

By the time I considered myself ‘done’ with DR2, I had an excel sheet with every survivor sorted by when (and where) they appear and it’s entirely doable to save them all in between story missions, and only occasionally having to bring a few people (or groups of people) at once. I felt like Bill Murray on the last

You’re right.

I can see you aging over the course of the build. It’s like being the American President, only with Lego.

I didn’t think that Risa trick would work a second time, but you proved me wrong!


Are you telling me Stellan’s not the scariest?

And now, only Taco Bell remains.

What is defensible about what he said? Truly.

My entire life I had successfully avoided Vanity Fair, but now thanks to Richard Lawson I take a peek now and then.

They will be the ones who save us.

There are good planets on both sides.

I have a terrible, deep-seated fear that the non-voting 40% are people who think the Republicans aren’t savage enough.

Well then you are lost!

Any clue on how the Vita version of VIII performs? or is otherwise different?

What you’re saying is absolutely what would happen in the book, but the show isn’t going to up and say ‘okay, we’ll never see Euron again and also the army that will allow Cersei to stay in the game won’t be here and ALSO we won’t have CG elephant battles!’.

Important query: Why are Peter and Harry(?) eating from plates with huge whole heads of Garlic on them?