
Right? Not to Herp-shame anyone but there’s nothing about this that doesn’t scream ‘hey Peter Thiel has herpes’.

What will our friend from Trafalmadore make of this adorable device?

So by merging my AVclub count to my existing Kinja one, I lost my entire post history (for both site networks). :( Can you help me, Dog Pope?

This is a long-ass way to tell us ‘hey we’re part of Kinja now, get used to it’.

But can I finally ungreyed here? My friends in Canada/the A.V. Club liked me.

This would make such a dope-ass Vita game.

I’m a mixed-race person (part south Asian, skin darkish) and the first time was being asked by a mean kid on the grade school bus ‘are you a nigger?’. I was probably 7 or 8.

Now I see him too. Between this and the Chris Gethard HBO special this has been a bad few months for Jack McBrayer.

Why is no one stopping the Iraqis from toppling all those Saddams??? IT’S HISTORY!

This cocksucker dragged me down here, I don't know!

Polygon’s Youtube channel (normally posts like 5-6 things a day) has been dead since. Somebody get them another video editor.

Things I get asked as a mixed race person:

Wasn’t he all up in Queen Amidala’s business or am I thinking of Terence Stamp?

Can someone knowledgeable about her movies eyeball IMDB and figure out who this charming costar was?

It turned out my heart *could* go on.

I saw a very credible movie that showed in detail how the doctor did it! It was by the documentary filmmakers behind Menace 2 Society.

To hear David Giler tell it all of Aliens' tone is due to Hill. To hear Dan O'Bannon/Ron Shussett tell it he just changed all of the character names and gave it a thumbs up.

I heard this today. Where can we see Griffin et al's reactions? I always thought Nick was a bit of a creep just because he keeps calling Simone Mom even though everyone has dropped that bit.

Excellent Flophouse this weekend to mark the occasion of their 10th Anniversary. Stay tuned to the end for a Marvel-like post-credits sequence!

Will it all be worth it though when Bigelow collects her Oscar wearing a #BLM shirt?