
Johnny boy.

I love how, lately, the Flop House has claimed the first comment thread on Podmass, so that I don't have to scroll down through the backwater of the clickbait ads to get to the Flop Talk.

Me too!

That 180 gram vinyl will surely be a burden in my hand.

To hear Cornell tell it the production and marketing were a total limo wreck.

Ruh-rawr! Another winner of a Flophouse! I declare this the new summer of Flops!

Stuart is very approachable, just show up at his bar and tell him you're a Flop-fan!

Awesome Flophouse this week, the impressions and Sly Stallone segments were deliriously great.


And the Dull Ember isn’t stuck way the hell out of the way.

I'm having trouble finding the Phantom Podcast in itunes or in my podcatcher. Is that definitely the title? Your link isn't helping because I don't have itunes installed.

And that's, like, the THIRD MISSION.

Somebody call Lance Henriksen.

I always saw the opportunity to rename Magus as your chance to name him Janus, which I always took (unless I killed him).

I wish they'd appeared seperately (the same as during Empire Minute) if only so we could have two Flop weeks at SWM.

He's made some very good appearances on Sirius Radio/Howard Stern in the past couple of years and really made a major impression on me on what a well put-together dude he was (bravely facing his illness) and was one helluva animal lover. RIP.

Who is narrating this trailer? Of those 5-6 narrator-dudes who do essentially ALL Hollywood trailers (Don Lafontaine, et al), this one's the, like, warm-and-fuzziest one.

A rare film I've actually seen in advance on the Flop House this week, Ruh-rawr!

Corin definitely lives in Montreal. We share a barber.

What game is the article image from?

What game is the article image from?