
A review for a Flophouse episode that's only two days old? Has Podmass become SUPER-CHARGED??

Oh god, super agreed about Animal Crossing. Doubly so when you consider you can import a dark-skinned Mii face mask to wear, only your character's hands stay white.

I would not have believed that David Kalan could be that irritatingly fussy and slow-to-get-to-the-point if I hadn't heard it myself.

They still print that??? I remember getting the first 6 or so and then a half year lag...

Are these the same game developers who created Bible Adventures?

I played in a band years ago where we made up for our generally poor playing ability by having thousands of watts worth of shop lights set up to bedazzle our audiences. One of our shows at a particularly small and miserable club that doubled as a kind of community drop-in space blew all their (literal) fuses when we

I *just* starting spending time in GTA:O on PS4, are you in the Gameological Crew?

Thanks, that's helpful! I've been in a portable gaming slump, I quite loved Bravely Default and then was really bored/disappointed by Monster Hunter 3.

I was initially curious about the game but the reviews were so very mixed. Mind answering a couple questions about it?

It's effectively impossible to develop a game and 'not run a QA session'. Also, on top of probably countless hours of internal QA, Ubi ran at least 6 playtest/feedback sessions with their 'volunteer QA' (effectively a test marketing initiative where people give a few hours feedback in exchange for free games) in my

Are you playing D3 on PS4 by any chance? I am looking for some PSN friends who are playing!

If you're thinking of getting Diablo 3 on PS4, add me on PSN, I need more buddies to play/get Nemeses from/send gifts to!

I wanted to post one but at 500 comments+ on this article it's unlikely I can get a lot of views. :) Maybe I'll try in the Steam group.

Are you playing on PS4? I need more online buddies to get Nemeses from/send gifts to!

Love Plante love him!

But I don't like sand… It's coarse and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere!

Followed up by Commander-in-Grief, the sequel.

Well, I feel like I outlined why I think so above and below, but I guess if it helps: I think the art of 6 is better/cleaner/more handsome, which has also aged far far better, I think the characters are better fleshed-out and more interesting, I think 6 has rich, better-explored themes (outlined in other threads here

I don't disagree… I dislike FF7 especially in comparison to 6 and the massive and relentless marketing/hyping of FF7. Youth probably has lots to do with it too!

The sprite art is great, the cast is awesome, the 'rules', such as they are, are clear and simple. I haven't played it in years so I'm sure the story is pretty silly and overwrought. But as Teti illustrates above, you care, because you get to make choices. The back half of the game is very free and has a 'getting