
"literally living someone else's assumed life and all that is really known about him is he didn't make much of an impression on anybody,"

FF7 sucks, FF6(3, whatever) rules.

Max von Sydow, clearly not at all playing a kindly, paternal figure who will ultimately turn on the good guys.

And in that nightmare, you received a BJ from a ghost while dressed as Napoleon.


Wasn't this idiotic urban myth already the premise of Limitless?


Can we just make a habit of talking in Orange Soapstone speak here from now on?

Why status ailment amp? Does that give more BP somehow?

It kinda sucks how you have only four characters and you essentially HAVE TO devote two characters to support/heals. But otherwise the systems in the game are great.

I just finished my playthrough of Bravely Default on Normal and ultimately ditched the Ninja. Ninja makes for a solid single job, but the synergies possible in other job setups make it ultimately not very optimal, unless you're trying to do some kind of evade-based setup for your ENTIRE party.

But when is Eric the Actor going to show up?


It's part of the battle mechanics, you 'Default' to defend and store an action for later turns, and 'Brave' to spend those saved turns (or go into a sort of 'turn debt' to, say, finish a fight in the first round, but risk making your character unusable until the debt is restored).

I'm always trollin' for upvotes!


Condoms. Wear them shits.

Don't Starve might be really hard to play with a controller, I tried switching from Mouse & Keys to Controller to play on my television and the adjustment didn't work out well. It is, though, an AWESOME game that is constantly getting cool new content.

Peace and love, peace, and, love!
