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Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!

LOL. It’s because they can’t be used for anything. Literally. Not even trying to be sarcastic.

Perfect encapsulation of the NFT Bro mindset: "you never report anything positive about NFTs therefore you're getting bribed and/or have an agenda"

Love the implication that there’s some anti-nft shadow organization paying off journalists on video game blogs from behind the scenes.

not seen a single positive post or even one that explains what NFT’s can actually be used for

This isn’t a case of Kotaku being paid to crap on NFTs. This is a case of “everyone is telling you that it sucks except the people who want to get rich off you.” The idea is outright terrible from the perspective of anyone who actually consumes games (and fantastic from the perspective of anyone who wants to sell NFTs

Everytime someone starts whining about this, they never explain what those things that NFTs can actually be used for are, and how they’re better than existing methods.

Okay, name one thing. A new thing it brings to the table or improves upon.

That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.  

He might be saying he ‘wants to get caught’ so that the ‘exploit gets fixed’, but fucking up people’s games is not how to do that. Just because you say you have noble purpose doesn’t mean you aren’t being an asshole.

Have you ever run into someone who keeps inventing non-existing problems to try and sell their horseshit to you?

Your argument is they can’t be scams because they’re profitable? No one would engage in scams if they weren’t. The reason it’s called a scam is because in the end a lot of people will be left holding the bag. You all are only so desperate to convert people because you need those people to complete the scam. No one

Oh go shovel your horseshit elsewhere.

Blockchain technology can get rid of leaderboard hacks and rid consumers of purchasing microtransactions that are unable to be resold or exchanged as the assests are locked away by the game developers who maintain control.

I’d be much more surprised if they were for them, but I’m glad they went on record against.

I mean… it’s Konami. That company is a joke to everyone in the industry. What are they going to do, ban Platinum Games from developing their pachinko machines?

This is why capitalism ruins everything. That “pc” culture that “gamers” like to get mad about doesn’t come from the “blue-haired, pronoun-having, sjw, tumblrinas” but from people with enough capital to impose their morals on others unilaterally. Corporations, CEOs, Board of Directors, Stockholders. These are the

The Earth of 2024 was in incredibly dire straits in the Star Trek timeline. Many countries faced violent conflict and civil unrest, but America in particular took a turn towards a totalitarian decline in the period, wracked with severe economic crises, homelessness, and rapidly rising unemployment levels. 

How come all genocide articles in MSM sites are negative? Total sensationalism.

Beeeeeeecause crypto is a joke and negative by default? Makes sense that reporting on negative crap would come off as negative.