
I will still miss them.

There was a section like this near my house when I was young. We figured out that after the sign there were hash marks on the shoulder that served as the timing reference points. Because we were smart and hated cops, we painted over one of the marks and then painted an new mark with an increased distance. After that

Take-away: speed limits in the US are obviously too low.

That was YOU?

Lighten up, Francis.

What is with all the hate? These guys are pioneers and haven’t been matched by any of the other hosts that followed on TG. They have a chemistry that just works. The last episode (Euro Crash) was quite good. How can you not find them going through the wax museum and cracking up at the exhibits funny? Or the

Oh fuck off New York. If the people are speeding just take their license. The last thing anyone wants is some bureaucrat somewhere saying (in a few years) well these worked really well on the habitual speeders, let's require them for state inspection. You know just in school zones. Then it'll be everywhere.

I’m usually typing text in an editor that lets me go to the end of a sentence with a keystroke, where the two spaces distinguish that point from abbreviations and such. Also, decades of habit. Why should I change? (And why should anyone care if I change?)

I just flew from DC to Las Vegas, and when we checked our bags at the self help station it automatically printed our boarding passes. The funny thing is, I was kind of happy to have it since I was able to leave my phone in my pocket AND it scanned a lot faster than half the phones that were in front of me.  

I’ve never had the battery die on a piece of paper.

They’re too busy putting people in jail for going over the speed limit.

Exactly this. It’s a shame they were dropped.

MotorTrend has its own cable channel for Chrissakes! Why not broadcast it there?

The weird part is that there’s a Motor Trend TV channel and even THAT won’t air this show. 

Maybe if it was on a public channel like PBS (similar to how Top Gear was on BBC) but if you are going to make me get another service, sorry no.

I’m in the same boat. I gave up cable and when the app first came out it was $1 a month, then $2 and now $5. Not paying $5 for MT subscription

This. I will happily watch it, but I’m not signing up for yet another fucking subscription just for that. Put it on the MotorTrend channel and build the cost into your rates. 

This. Good or bad, I would watch it if it was on a platform I already subscribe to.

Their issue won’t be comparison to the British original, it will be to the American original, which went unmentioned here. By the second season Rutledge, Adam and Tiny Dancer had already developed a strong chemistry and style that was notably different than OG Top Gear.

I mean - I’d love to watch it if it didn’t require another bloody subscription.
Couldn’t Netflix or Amazon or someone have done it?