Lotta mostly empty rooms Rand ol’ chap, think about that. Also:
Lotta mostly empty rooms Rand ol’ chap, think about that. Also:
“Let auntie help you get rid of the body.”
the ovaries on her ;)
I am looking to hire cooks and waitstaff for my newest restaurant - Punchie’s This Is How We Serve It.
Well since ocean acidification is going cause mass fish extinction in the not so distant future, we may as well catch and eat all the fish we can now.
I truly admire y’alls ability to find the most unflattering, derpy-looking pics of these politicians. So many bad photos of so many bad policy pushers.
I’m an affirmative action and I love white people!
This is interesting historical analysis, but you’re missing a key pseudoscientific reason why people thought pregnancy by rape was impossible — dating back to medieval times, many medical experts thought that a woman had to orgasm as well for their to be conception. They thought that both men and women had “seed” and…
maybe people have a problem with using slavery as a metaphor? like using rape as a metaphor?
Michelle Williams on her relationship with Michelle Williams: “I’m Michelle Williams.”
Fuck. Marry. Kill.
🎶Swing low, sweet boozinette, coming for tequila me drunk🎶
Someone willing to commit felony sexual assault is not going to let a minor misdemeanor illegal bathroom usage law stop them from committing a more serious crime.
It also has a smooth, full flavored taste. At least they are smart enough not to mention what that taste is.
I hope not...I liked that Serial season 1 was more of a local story, one that I had never heard before.