Haha thats the part that stuck out to me too. “I was having fun, then I started dating her”
Haha thats the part that stuck out to me too. “I was having fun, then I started dating her”
From the article:
This may also have a lot to do with what we think a revolutionary or politically progressive act looks like. For many, I think, it’s protesting in the streets and talking about racism ad nauseum. But more people who call themselves politically progressive need to really look at their voting frequency, profit-sharing,…
Yes! And in professions where person on person violence is the danger, social workers and healthcare workers experience more violence than police officers.
Changing minds starts with this really basic stuff. Over a period of years I moved from ultra conservative to pretty flaming liberal, and the turning point moments for me were when I realized gay people could actually be regular, nice, normal people with jobs and families, and when I realized women who’d had abortions…
“their place of fitness” I'm going to start referring to everything like this. The Mexican restaurant is now my place of tacos.
I’ve had this problem over and over with one friend of mine.
I see both sides on this one. Of course people should do the right thing. You should do what you’re supposed to do. You should fulfil your responsibilities, whatever they may be. You should be a decent human being.
HaHaYouFool said:
Cheese is a friend that is courageous and true.
I ain’t afraid of no ghosts. Had some Chipotle on Wednesday without a second thought. Although Monday I accidentally made a grilled turkey n’cheese with moldy bread and didn’t realize until the last few bites so maybe that’s a me problem.
Two different types of e-coli?! Dreams do come true.
The answer is yes, people in Chicago are better than people from other big cities. It is known.
Your body has trained for this literally its whole life.
I need to know what Mexican sushi is. It sounds like it might change my life.
Great article, Kara! You're doing a great job!
Oh please - let’s talk about another great parent of rock: Iggy Pop - from that time that he as an adult drug addict got a 14 year old pregnant. There’s a ton of other rock star dude parents who fell really short - like neglectful, not paying child support, uninvolved in their children’s lives whatsoever. Remember…