But these are penises! This is IMPORTANT!
But these are penises! This is IMPORTANT!
I’m so sorry; that all sounds so traumatic in every way. I hope a time is coming soon when you feel less ashamed. Thanks for sharing your story.
I dunno, would it be better or worse if Kanye just flat took a page out of that book and was like, “Yeah, he’s a rapist, but c’mon, does it really *matter?*” I can’t decide.
Well, at least they usually learn Not To Be So Goddamn Uptight. It’s...an arc. A terrible, insulting arc, but an arc.
Well, that’s not the world’s best example. Disney princesses generally do get an arc, at least the majority of them that star in their own movies (I guess you can argue about the love-interest ones, like Jasmine or Megara). Disney movies are pretty solid, simple structures that are all *about* the arc — Meet our…
Yup, my parents are pushing 70 and have always used the same e-mail address. I think it’s kind of cute when my mother e-mails me about something (usually some online sale she found; she fucking *lives* to shop online), because she ends every e-mail with, “Love, MOM.” I get the point of the identifier, but the all caps…
The hard right turn into racism is really the shit cherry on top of this shit sundae. It’s so hard out there for a white dude that they are literally *forced to date Asian women!* How is an Asian man supposed to trade down??? *Is* there even a type of female human lower than Asian?
Was it Bobby Jindal, tho?
Even Javert doesn’t empathize with Javert by the end.
Democrats need to stop being pissed at other Democrats for disagreeing. What the fuck, guys? A competitive primary is a GOOD THING. A robust series of debates is a GOOD THING. All of us talking about what matters and where our priorities are is a GOOD THING. This is a tough, on-the-issues challenge between two…
Didn’t the second X-Files movie revolve around a gay man who tried to sew his lover’s head onto a female body, because something something priest abuse something something monstrous desires? I mean, I remember it was a hot fucking mess, but I’ve blocked out most of the details.
Oh, god, I’m officially old, because my first thought was legitimately, “Oh, that girl has such a pretty smile!”
I really thought 2nd from the right said “Party Patriot” at first, and I was like, man, *everything* is political in an election year.
Isn’t he the guy the press used to call the “Bad Boy of Yoga”?
Sexualizing black people has never exactly been the Final Frontier in terms of American race relations.
Yeah, honestly, any grown adult person you have to spell that out for in small words probably ain’t shit. But it’s probably still pretty cathartic to say it!
I feel like you could spend a whole semester’s women’s studies class just unpacking the line, “I ask for so little — just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave.”
Somebody on a different site also suggested the genderflip, with Tilda Swinton. Swinton and Lennox would both be cool from kind of a design standpoint, but Labyrinth with a Goblin Queen is a verrry different movie. The original is far too much about the seductiveness and terror of waking up to your sexual power as an…
Ha, I think Tennant probably could pull it off. In a lot of ways, Jareth was really just Kilgrave translated into a different genre with a candy-coating of 80s kitchiness.
He could’ve done more! He could’ve added, “We’re talking about *adults,* after all!” just to really driiiiiive it on home. Lazy misogyny, half marks.