Wall of text problems can also be solved with better paragraph structuring and using 1.15pts spacing between lines instead of 1pt.
Wall of text problems can also be solved with better paragraph structuring and using 1.15pts spacing between lines instead of 1pt.
First, here’s the asinine ad I had to put up with in order to make this comment.
Having never heard of this game and just watching the trailer, I honestly thought it was a Motion Twin project. I was genuinely surprised to find out it wasn’t =\
Cool, cool.... Shame this didn’t seem to be cross-promoted to Kotaku, which I browse daily (or I somehow missed it) :(
“This article really scratched my itch for historical Larp-Failure”
Public outcry? A whistleblower?
That’s true, but it is hypocritical to say you’re going to not support a company that has labour practices you disagree with then say you’ll still be buying the game when the price drops.
Part of the bonus comes from initial sales figures unless it’s capped and tied to something else, like absolute number of units sold.
I was born and raised in Singapore. If I were to be in Afolabi’s situation, I would have apologised for accidentally hitting someone with a door I was rushing through instead of telling them not to fuck with me. Is Afolabi’s response normal over there?
This is one of THE most Jalopnik videos ever.
Thanks for pointing that out. I didn’t click the link either because I was looking for an explanation in this article or a hyperlinked "wobbling"
Welcome to life on 2 wheels. You’ll never look back!
I have a well worn guide that has a special spot on my bookshelf:
Right back at you, sir. The last tip under ‘Eat and Drink’ mentions Khao Soi erroneously. Given the context of the tip, I think commenter meant to say ‘Khao San’.
“Bangkok’s nightlife is pretty awesome, but it can be kinda hard for foreigners to learn about. Most tourists stick to Khao Soi, or Sukhumvit and I say…
I’m glad you’re alive, back, and roaring to go!
Your blog posts are really not doing a good job of convincing me Jessica Price was not acting like an asshole because they have the exact same problem as Nathan’s articles.
The 2 stories are not directly related. What IS related, is how I can no longer be sure that Nathan isn’t leaning in favour of one side or another by omitting certain information.
Sorry Nathan, but I’ve been finding it hard to take any of your articles at its face value after you omitted so much crucial information in your handling of the ArenaNet/Jessica Price story.