Well sure, but I'd still wonder if people switch their cutlery around depending on which is the dominant hand.
Well sure, but I'd still wonder if people switch their cutlery around depending on which is the dominant hand.
Do lefties hold their knives in their left hand or do they hold their cutlery the same way righties do?
I love how the marshal with the blower just drops his pack and it immediately starts whipping around on the ground while his friend tries to get it under control
So... MS should rename the View button to Misc?
Ahh. Then yes, I agree completely! I thought you were referring to the airsoft one because that's the last subject in my first post.
What does the airsoft one add? The creator has the song playing quietly in the background and uses the atonal blowback noise in place of percussion. It could have been better if Hihebi layered more airsoft related sounds onto the track and spliced it together. Compared to Ash100's work, this airsoft video isn't…
Yeah, the editing/sound/quality of the video in that post you linked is way better. This airsoft one is mediocre.
I sure hope they add driver models! Weird to see driverless cars careening around.
Good to see you putting some of your thousands of Wolfenstein screencaps to good use!
I'm surprised no eyebrows were risen at Mr. Muffins.
Published by Chucklefish. They seem to be helping to get some really interesting indie titles out there! Risk of Rain, Stardew Valley and now this. Happy times ahead!
Mike, did you ever figure out how to get more crops once you've bought one or two fields after they unlock?
So... Having fun crashing ship. Into things eh? :-D
So... Having fun crashing ship. Into things eh? :-D
We'll give you this if you give us Red Dead Redemption and GTA V
Some of these look absolutely terrifying. I remember seeing a triple Whopper on offer in Tokyo Burger Kings and even at 3 patties I was afraid.
So perhaps instead of calling it a "Mobile game" they should call it an iPhone/iPad game.
Mike, have you tried Zombie HQ by Rebellion? It's fun. You can buy a jukebox to decorate your hideout!
"With Android 4.3 adding OpenGL ES 3.0 support, the 2013 Nexus 7 is ready to take on anything Android game developers can throw at it."
Anyone who has watched Appleseed would definitely know ;-)