
OK, Bilbo Bigot.

Sessions was too racist to be a federal judge...but not too racist to be attorney general.

OJ Simpson?

We’ve got Jerry Jones, Roger Goodell, NFL Owners, Papa John, and Donald Trump all involved in this nonsense.

Are there any another awful, old white men out there to become involved?

Is this going to connect to Donald Sterling somehow? Silvio Berlusconi?

Who needs football when you have the NFL.

Bills are insisting on four appendages and an organ.

As a Browns fan I can think of at least 3 appendages I’d part with to have a QB half as serviceable as Tyrod Taylor.

“Oh, Tyrod. The toll road of denial is a long and dangerous one. The price, your soul. Oh, by the way, you have until five to clear out your locker. I’m starting Sunday.”


We have about three more years (unless impeached) of this bat......crazy insanity. And he has access of the codes. Lord, Almighty! 

Remember when Obama wore a tan suit or Michelle showed her bare arms...

“9 days? We would have accepted 9 days”—Puerto Rico

“Daddy, do you have a favorite kid?”

“Daddy, are me or Henry your favorite?”
“You have to have one.”
“No, I don’t, actually. I hate the both of you exactly the same. Because of you, I have so much less discretionary income. And your brother still shits himself.”

Your last graf presumes that elected officials, in anyway, acted in good faith.

Asking me to choose which stadium scam I dislike most is like asking me to choose which of my children I dislike the most, by which I mean I hate them all equally because they make my life a living hell.

I keep watching that expecting coins to pop out of his head, a la Mario.

If you’re gonna try to spread a message on national TV put some effort into it. That kearning is bad . Lots of wasted space. Show some pride in your work no matter how dumb and misguided it is.