
Yeah, but what’s her take on a 4-3 defensive scheme with Manti Te’o at the Mike?

She really doesn’t seem to address the abuse and coercing these women to send naked pictures. A lot of “I felt trapped” but not a lot of “I was really shitty to these people for no discernable reason.”. The deceit isn’t the worst of her actions, but it’s the only one she’s addressing.

Chicago is a great example of how neighboring states’ failure to regulate access to guns seeps into our city. Also a great example of how the “war on drugs” has failed since Chicago south and west sides are basically gang warfare over drug dealing turf.

No, of course not. More like the ones that keep Australia safe.

Uh. Wait. Yeah. Did this affect vote tallies at all. The media was busy nattering about Hillary’s e-mails or slobbering over Trump. Bernie had massive crowds of adoring white millenials. People who wanted to vote voted. And Hillary was just able to get high-turnout Democratic primary groups (*cough*blackwomen*cough*)

Apathy and Racism won this race

To summarize the politico article she went looking, found nothing other than a fundraising agreement signed by both parties, with the Hillary Campaign bailing out the DNC for control over some positions within the party. But as far as actually finding proof of rigging, it’s missing from the article.

Never forget:

Nah man, this year seems to be the culmination of the parents wearing costumes trend that has been growing the last few years. Its officially a thing for parents to dress up with their kids, especially if they are young.

Magic Grandpa is the best possible name and it makes me sad that this is the first time I’ve heard it.

Didn’t Magic Grandpa sign one of those agreements too and then decide he didn’t want to put any money into it? He kept all his money to himself.

The War on Whatever the Fuck It Is

Should have told this at the time it happened, not now. It doesn’t matter. All it does is further divide the Democrats.

Sheldon Cooper loves flags.

maybe it’s the critic in me, but did Brazile actually prove that Clinton actually affected the races with her control? I supported Bernie for the most part but I would like to see proof of the rigging not “ability to rig”.

6 flags per team per game on average? Shit, man, these days it feels like 6 flags per drive on anything other than a 3 & out.

Songs that should never be played again, an incomplete list:

We just need to follow the leads of the Australians.

“Flags. I fucking hate flags. You fucking hate flags. Everyone fucking hates flags.”

I’m gonna regret saying this, but sometimes Andy Reid is a truly fantastic play-caller.