@Lord_Data: Hell, if you can afford storage for 142TB of data and nothing else you may not be especially small in my opinion.
@Lord_Data: Hell, if you can afford storage for 142TB of data and nothing else you may not be especially small in my opinion.
Careful, the cops may bust up someone's house over this leak. You never know.
@PoG: I'm not sure that confirms anything. All of your numbers are over 100k and the bottom one is on WiFi and doesn't count.
@bigtimes: I was wondering that too... Aside from the main page "winner" selections and write ups, it seems like the entire process should simply be automated (making the gallery pages, individual picture pages, resizing, etc) and then just be put into an approval bucket for Giz to go in and rip out the porn and…
@Jonathan Parent: Seriously... No wanty people using your internets? Lock it the heck down. Dumb asses.
@ELUNO: Ooooo, oo, I know! Why make a product for $300 when you can make a $300 product that doesn't work without a $30 rubber band that costs you $0.0003 to make. $330 $300
I love how they can refactor the definition of the bars and call it a fix to the reception. That's like the old pizza joke: "I ordered a large pizza for dinner but I didn't think I could eat 8 slices so I had them cut it into 6 slices." Give me a break.
Uh. If it was shot with an iPhone, it was a marketing gimmick. Nothing about the camera in any non-camera gadget can be called "professional" on any level and most point and shoot cameras fall into that bucket too.
You know AT&T will just come back and say it was their intention to provide uploads at 100k/s all along and that anything seen to the contrary was a fluke or before they corrected their oversight.
@musiqrulez: Or perhaps just replace their hands with ones made out of rubber?
@Weakskills: Ah, that explains it then! :)
@aj.2096: Welcome to the matrix Mr. Anderson.
And soon the porn industry will make their version and all will be right in the world. mmm3dboobies....
So now it's tomorrow's tomorrow. I want to see all the fun cell phone pics. Epic sadness ensues.
@East Indian: Oh come on. :P The shooting challenge is every week. They tell us about it. It's due Sunday night. They show us the results. Wash, rinse, repeat.
You know, I bet the diamond crust on the edges fixes the signal problems. Kinda makes the $19.5k seem worth it doesn't it?
I want that business model! Some how that pie chart allocates $1.52 for a $1.49 sale. Imagine the possibilities!
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: thank god i'm not the only one that thought that. i was beginning to think i'd lost my mind. if this has become true, i'd love to see the quantum computers that make it so that the speed needed for a 200x160 stream requires the same speed as a 6400x3600 one...