Howdy Harrell

Okay Cadillac, time to step your name game up.

The Lincoln Mariner.

Ironcially I love the new front end. Its the rear end that needs the update. Also praise jeebus that the stupid naming convention is gone.

The transport company I use to get to the airport has recently (and blessedly) migrated from the Cadillac to Lincoln platforms. The Lincolns are super comfortable in the rear, where I sit after a 12 hour flight, dazed and useless and unable to focus my eyes, let alone drive safely along the coastal mountain road near

You forgot that horrific gaping hole/scoop in the side.

Compared to the DB10, the front end of the Vantage looks poorly executed. Front end sucks, but the rest of the car is gold.

I do not like how sad the front is, and the wheels seem a bit too big. But dat ass...and profile...and the fact that unlike the DB11 they finally made the line from A-pillar to C-pillar whole...

Is it me or does it low key look like a Miata from the front?

TIL: Only white guys work in Detroit. The victimization and SJW of Gawker/Jalopnik continues. Plenty of hard working people of color all along this nation. This article is just another pro-corporate/globalization effort.

First they won’t buy mcmansions, now they won’t buy overpriced bikes. Is there anything we can’t ruin?

Plenty of Jalops will buy the 2018 Stinger - in 2026.

False. One can never have too much Maserati.

I’ve run out of reasons. Shit.

Where else is a headliner supposed to go?


Blaming the car instead of the dick driver is the dick move I’ve come to expect from a dick editor. dick