Howdy Harrell

Whoever is head of design at GM needs to be fired immediately...

If this article was Remotely left of center, Jalopnik would be fine with it. Cut the crap, and stick to cars.

Typical Socialist Rag.... SMH Jalopnik. 

Mostly because the front is is SOOOOOOOOO BAD.

Indeed, it is lovely here in Texas right now.

The front end is still too hideous for anyone to buy. Aston should do a “GT Spec” with a DB10/11 esque front bumper and it will fix all of their problems.

Aston Martin should consider sourcing another front end...

I actually think the thing is rather handsome.... I would definitely go for this over the hideous new Q5 or X3.... Unfortunately, german design is regressing.

But worse.... what the hell were they thinking with that front end. Did they legit just borrow 90s Eclipse headlights?

And yet, the title of this post isn’t racist at all...

Thank good, I thought this might have been a Kristen Lee article about the poors...

UT fan, shouldn’t be surprised.

Kristen Lee Hates Money

I didn’t even have to read the article to know that it was Kristen Lee whining about expensive things again.

Of course, annother article “punching up” by Kristen Lee.

Go figure..... Kristen Lee, whining about the rich again. It’s getting overplayed. Find something else to write about.

Consistently some of the doucheyest articles on Jalopnik. Clearly someone has a real inferiority complex.

Someone Sounds Salty

Like I said on the post yesterday. Why is this on Jalopnik?