Yeah that's what happened. NBC kept calling the Reaves penalty a roughing which is where the confusion came from. The un-called DOG was very questionable though, the replay I thought showed it was definitely a DOG but the refs weren't looking at the replays and there was a chicago player right there that the puck…
okie dokie... i didn't feel like waisting my time reading something i already knew how to do and thought id throw this out there just in case she had some crazy method that put a dent in the wallet
When i was watching I kinda thought it looked like delay of game but NBC kept going on about it being roughing
My bad they changed it. The NBC called it roughing though
It wasn't delay of game it was roughing. What game were you watching?
I didn't actually read what was said in this but all I have to say is Rubbing Alcohol and salt. If you are paying to use 420 solution or anything else more expensive it's a waste of money. Use a little warm water, rubbing alcohol, and salt then give her a few good shakes and everything should be cleaned out. Never has…
Especially since the play in question was very questionable and his team was already on the powerplay from a bullshit call
My two shining moments as an athlete: It was my last game of little league ever (my town did ages 10-12 for little league) and my team was down by a lot going into the bottom of the 6th (last inning of the game). I led off the inning striking out and went back to the bench pretty pissed thinking my storied little…
It's my favorite album ever made
Now that I've got you. Let's both revisit the birth of the Doily Cott Opera Company
Now that I've got you. Lets both revisit the birth of the Doily Cott Opera Company
Not to sound like sergeant buzz-kill but post-loss riots like these are literally the worst. It is just rioting for the sake of rioting. I understand causing destruction in a drunken celebration or even destruction in a drunken rage but this was neither. This was just drunk college kids looking for an excuse to…
The fact that the reporter reported that an owner called him a prick probably is enough proof that the reporter is indeed a prick
yay! it let me do it too, and im high again! yay
i am having the same problem as BrickTamlin. pretend your comment has yet another star. and i am also high and this is also freaking me out