
My favorite hot dog bit was when it appeared that Archer and Poovey were being followed for a few seconds, but it turned out the other car was really just there to have a hot dog thrown into it and crash.

12 and 14 are my commonest orders. In summary, fuck you.
(I like 6 too though.)

The truth of what happened will change based on whether they get the 8th season—real Archer if they don't, a second robot if they do. It's sort of like The Conversation cheating by depicting the same recording to the audience in two different ways. (Okay, it's not really like that, but The Conversation did cheat.)

lol how could I forget that one

I think that's pretty much it. Also possibly notable, he's going in one direction in that first appearance, and the opposite in the second.

"Veronica doesn’t remember Archer. Is she a clone? A robot? A self-absorbed Hollywood starlet? Or, my personal favorite: running a ruse?"

Where *was* Krieger going on that golf cart?


The look of utter confusion on PCP's face when Jimmy simply tells him "No" was amazing.

Yay Jeopardy reference.

Holy crap, are Lana and Archer going to miss AJ's first word? She seemed close to uttering it without quite.

Dammit Krieger.


Archer's look when Lana asked "What idiots?" was priceless.

H. Jon Benjamin also nailed the holy-crap-I'm-on-fire scream. And at least they are finally addressing Woodhouse's absence in-universe. I also thought Archer handled Katya just fine…*much* better than his handling of the aftermath, at least…

Um…what the hell just happened? Talk about danger zone.

Anybody extended the conversation to British TV yet? The last episode of Blackadder IV…

At least on my TV, they've been airing last week's episode at 10:30, so you might have a chance.

Anyone else think Krieger and Pam were alone alien-hunting in their first shot?

What does it mean when a show's "most tepid/uninspired writing" ever includes this gem?