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    Not everything needs to be politically correct. This is a game where superheroes and supervillains exist, and you are writing an article about how police is represented?! How do I dislike this article?! This kind of gaming journalism makes me sick where people try to force their political agenda into a video game. 

    Just here to say...

    Just here to say...

    Funny how white people are more triggered than black folks regarding this incident. It’s not 1800's or something it’s fuckin 21st century and the n-word doesn’t even hold the meaning that it used to imply before. He didn’t say that to any person or neither he used the word to offend the player he was shooting at. It

    Calm the fcuk down nibba! Kotaku has more snowflakes than any other sites. With at least million problems in the world, snowflakes are worried that a streamer said n-word on stream! And Sean please, the least he did to your game was that he promoted it by playing it and millions of his subscribers watched it and many

    Is the PS4 version getting a graphics patch because it was not that good on xbone. I may pick it up later if they fixed the graphics.

    Got it for $15. Let’s hope I enjoy it.