
Neutral: Hey y’all, can we take it easy on Musk? Nothing turns a regular genius into an evil genius like having his company taken away and the world pointing its collective finger (through social media) and laughing at him. What could go wrong pissing off someone who:

Another view of the incident:

Evidently people have the right idea. They all went in and scooped up all the examples with manual transmissions already.
My Mazda dealer told me the same thing. All the manual transmission 2019 Miatas they got in were gone within a week of the truck bringing them. The automatics he got are all still on the lot.


Later, the GOP tweeted out a sketch of Ted Cruz when he was a hottie.

and now the mad dash to usurp $kay’s throne begins...

$6k Dodge Magnum V8

“If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!”

Compliments of McMike:


You think he’s cute? Not that I’m judging you. Just surprised is all.

It’s been a great run. Thanks for the mammaries!

This is to tell you all that I will not be posting “lovely lady” awards any longer.  I’ve been doing it for almost ten years and have decided to hang it up. 

When a ‘90s Malibu needs new tires, I’m pretty sure it’s considered totaled.

Carry on to Hayward, son. There’ll be peace when you are done. Drop the flaps to 35. Don’t you fly no more.

I got to sit in the traffic jam created by that giraffe.

This may be bigger than we thought. It turns out that there were many early, unsuccessful attempts at this BMW theft scheme worldwide that only succeeded in disabling the turn signals.

Fast forward a month...

I wonder if the A/C vents inside are fake too. That would be hilarious.