
Build date 4/20/2016

We’re in America. Speak American.

...does that mean he’s not coming on then?

Why draw when I can just get some stock images?

Porch Boxer!

Neutral: electric cars will become largely irrelevant when the imminent second steam revolution happens.

Neutral: electric cars will become largely irrelevant when the imminent second steam revolution happens.

Challenge accepted.

That must be the new Skyactiv roof

I had an STI once. Cleared it up with some antibiotics.

Yeah, let’s blame it on those pesky millenials! Let’s not blame it on a range of motorcycles where the lightest weighs as much as the Death Star, the cheapest is still fucking expensive, the most powerful couldn’t pull the dick off a chocolate mouse, the most sporty has the dynamic prowess of a bag of shot badgers and

Neutral: Would You Buy A New Harley If You Had The Money?

Two words and a letter:

pretty sure that’s a Saturn

12 years for a 1-model-year supercar.

I’d be really annoyed if I left my job because they wouldn’t let me do things my way, and then some other fucker came in and did things my way

So Patrick - you photo-shopped your Lab out of the picture :

I need that Alpina B6 (E30) in my life!

You gotta drug for the job you want, not the job you have.

I feel like there is an Alfa Male joke to be made somewhere here...

You make good stuff, people gonna copy!