
As an opera singer myself, I would like to point out that, that no version of warming up before singing a song is singing a song out of tune in it's entirety to backing music.

I mean, yeah, I buy that nobody is going to be really devastated by this because nobody is a Britney Spears fan on the assumption that she's an exceptional singer or anything but lately it seems like there's this growing backlash to stuff like this that views people thinking that a professional singer should be good

I don't get how they're more "narcissistic" than any other performer who sells out arenas.

Why is the Amy Adams thing a story at all?

And you posted about actresses and singers posting selfies. If I'm the pot, you're the kettle, dude.

The image of her as 'perfect' was created by silly, fanatical lady bloggers, not Beyonce.

The reaction to this has been so odd. We have video of Solange punching, kicking and spitting on Jay Z, he literally does nothing back and the immediate reaction is : "He must be cheating on Beyonce".

You see this is why non-professional designer noobs such as yourself who like to call photoshop on everything, are full of shit and don't know a damn thing.

What I have learned from Jezebel commenters today:

Yeah. Like, damn, you know how to serve it, but could you wear something that doesn't flatter you and make it easier for you to perform in? Like a cocktail dress of ballgown, like when you're on the red carpet? Or a toga? Perhaps just a floral bed sheet? Or a 1970s upholstered couch like Kim that one time? #Givenchy

I think most of us feel that way.

I think Cate Blanchett will win.


Do people at Jezebel not understand photography and lighting? Must this be an issue every single time a person with some melanin has a photo shoot.

I wish there was someone writing for Jezebel who actually had a basic understanding of photography and the process of retouching because no, they just balanced the whites.

At first I thought it was literally about opening the door for Beyonce.

If being in a relationship with a woman who makes more money than you and/or has a higher position than you makes you feel that you are becoming obsolete, maybe you should be mocked for being silly, immature, and sexist. So now, on top of everything else that women have to deal with, we have to comfort men for

Not easy to watch, but I have thought this is an area of history that DA has tended to overlook.