
Actually, while, yes, Welles would eventually grow very fat, he was not so in 1958. He is wearing a fat suit as Hank Quinlan.

Trump has never had a drink, doesn't smile or laugh, and he eats fast food. What he enjoys is humiliating people. It doesn't make him smile, really, just sneer and smirk, all self-satisfied. He's a very sick man.

I had no idea, either, they did that shitty song. I remember always switching the channel when their video came on because it prominently featured an old man in his underwear. Funny to the band, I guess..

Pence circa 2018: "What's that, Jesus? Release the missiles? As you say, Jesus."

No one could hate him more than me, but that is not a Sharpie and I can see the point of the pen; the top is not on it.

Two steamies and a Joe Louis or a May West for dessert.

I'm an anglo Montrealer, spent my life in urban neighboorhoods, and I say "eh." Most of us do, all over the country.

"Our friend drank one, and he puked! And he's a cop, eh! He said we should come to your brewery and get, like free beer."

Oh yeah, well I once saw Ted Danson play a snotty hairdresser on an episode of Taxi.

Isn't the skeptic the guy who played Captain Decker on the Star Trek episode "The Doomsday Machine?" Or maybe the guy from the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Hmmm.

And what gaping holes. Blech. She needs to eat more and let the hair grow…

I don't really sympathize with the snotty attitude toward Hefner, who has always seemed pretty harmless to me, but if you're suggesting he is not a great subject for a biopic, I agree. Where's the drama? Is the movie just gonna be about a guy who had a whole lot of fun and then got old, enjoying his dotage and