
This naming convention is infuckingfuriating.

People told 90s kids to thankful and happy with what we have, and now they're mad when we are.

Binged it and holy shit is it well woven.

He showed his erect penis on True Blood?

Celeste did the same thing. It isn't necessarily a conscious effort on Perry's part; it is very human to immediately deny.

I grew up around people with explosive anger (luckily not violent), that scene was horrifyingly true. My initial reaction was to urge her to literally get up and start cleaning the Legos up herself, cause that's what I would've tried as a kid. It was a really really good scene.

While I did not go to therapy because of an abuse situation, I was definitely brought back to some of my toughest sessions. I deeply appreciate the writing and acting for the whole series.

I thought the crying happened after the "sex."

She is in the process of recovery. She still needs to work on herself in a lot of ways, but at least she's aware of it.

It’s unclear whether something spiritual actually occurs or whether the gunman is just confused long enough for an employee to tackle him.

Before the reveal, I thought it was going to be something like that. I did not expect Mike O'Brien though.

I was a baby. No idea what that sentence was supposed to be in my super sleep deprived brain.

He still said all of that stuff in front of the entire country. He was a sexist POS for airtime. I couldn't talk when the trial was going on so I'm learning a lot through this.

I just cut my hair short because saying that curly hair can't look good when it is short is absolutely ridiculous (and based in racist history) so I'd really appreciate if you stopped contributing to that.

Really? My first reaction was "yup, of course that happened." People say horrible things to each other all the time; that is pretty typical of the horrible things men say to women.

Cut my hair to something very similar recently, so thanks for that. I've been ridiculed for having curly hair my whole life; this episode hit me really hard.

This is what I think will be revealed

Kilgrave sort of has that reaction! He doesn't think what he does to women like Jessica or Hope are bad because they're in 5 star hotels and stuff. The specific is not the problem.

I agree with your characterization of her, but I sort of loved her for it. She felt like a person I could definitely meet in real life- which is the case for a lot of the show- and so I still loved it.

When he took off his hat for the first time I actually gasped.