
@Xombie11: They, however, love you.

@FriedPeeps Can Kick A Stupid Shark's Ass: Yes a MS computer would run Linux, because hackers would make it run Linux. There is not much you can do to prevent Linux from running other than not including a way to install software (i.e. a hard drive, etc).

@snoop_dizzle: Along side OSX? Hypothetically speaking, of course, what if I did not want OSX at all. One would reason I would buy a regular PC then. However, if I liked the overall PHYSICAL look of the Mac but not the OS itself, it would seem that I should be able to fully delete it from the system.

@octasquid: It's a mat, with different conclusions on it! You spin the spinner and jump to different conclusions!

Once again confirming my theory that Apple wants to simplify computers to the point that they are no longer usable. Thank you, Apple.

... This has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've every read about.

@MJDeviant: No, for me around the world will always be my least favorite Daft Punk song. It's the only song they have that repeats itself every five seconds.

@ding-dang: Remember, Jesus would never use a ornate gilded chalice. He was a carpenter, and would therefor use Linux or some variation before using either Windows or Mac.

@touwe: Why does this seem like something that should be in the next Portal game?

@PN - goopplesoft: Advances physics is way easier than deleting a tweet. I mean, you can make stuff up all you want in advanced physics.

@afreemaniii: The problem is that no company wants their logo to be associated with crashing to earth in a thousand pieces. Not the shuttle, the boosters. Even if they do burn up in orbit that his its own imagery problems.

@angstman: Eew, XP. That is just ugly.

@MaxPoint: No, didn't ruin my day. I just feel that the whole 3D thing is irritating on a whole. It makes everybody (even the people who make the movie/show) pay more for something that really is not that different from the original.

@dj underboob: Yeah, I got that after I read the article. The graph itself is confusing in that, while a line graph compares a trend, that trend is usually over the same category. The chart should be a column graph which is used to compare a single component of separate categories.

@MaxPoint: Yeah, except Zip disks were actually a valid and useful form of storing data. 3D movies/television is neither valid or very useful to watch. Just irritating and detracting from what is actually going on.

@DustyButt: Doesn't that phrase alone mean you are?

Not that I want 3D to stick around, for I really do not, but it seems weird to me how the chart displays the difference. It was unclear if they were comparing each movie, or if the movies were being looked at separately. If the movies were being analyzed on an individual basis, they really should have used a column

@Mikestan: "Consider this, when the heart of the Ex Vice President of the United States fails, they use Energizer batteries. Energizer, it keeps going."