Wrong. In her lawsuit she specifically mentions Ailes and goes so far as to NOT list Fox. This is on purpose.
Wrong. In her lawsuit she specifically mentions Ailes and goes so far as to NOT list Fox. This is on purpose.
Glad we’re trying to cover this bullshit and bring down the Pence family by any angle instead of covering Islamic attacks in Nice and a secular military throwing a coup over an Islamic leader of Turkey. Cool ellie
Said it once, say it again, because Clinton, Bernie, Kerry, Gore all would’ve done the same thing. The goal is to dominate the news cycle and why announce your pick if you’re going to be overshadowed by some mudslime and the “religion of peace”?
Why does Gawker refuse to do a story on Micah Johnson or the Dallas shooting? Why won’t Gawker report on Johnson’s raping of a fellow soldier or the social media posts by groups like the Black Panthers or The Nation of Islam?
Don’t #prayforNice. We need to be #fightingforwesterncivilization. These people hate everything we stand for. How many thousands have to die before we get serious about the Islam problem?
I love how all black people pretend to be personally victimized. Also, even his own lawyer is conceding that he is probably the suspect in an armed robbery. But you’d never see that on Gawker.
1) Blacks can’t be racist. Racism requires a perceived sense of entitlement or power over a disenfranchised race. Which is why I used bigoted.
It’s not? This is a problem of a radicalized black male discharged from the army for raping a soldier, blaming her (even though she didn’t press additional charges and said she just wanted him to get help) for his discharge, believing in posts by black bigots/hate groups, and then targeting cops because of their race…
The problem is as an ex-army reservist with sniper rifle training, he legally owned that saiga. You could ban them for civilians and up until his dismissal in 2015 for rape, he’d have still been able to own that gun. Also not really a sniper rifle. So what’s your argument?
Hi Kara,
Do you want to explain that to the White House Press Secretary who twice referred to him as President Bush, or should I post a link to the AP style guides?
I guess someone should tell the White House Press Room that they got it wrong when they referred to Bush as “President Bush” twice? Or are you just retarded?
Rachel, his correct title should be reflected in your story title. They should both be identified as “President” either as Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush or President Obama and President George W. Bush. The title never leaves a president regardless of how liberals feel about him.