
jets fans worldwide are just excited to be included in the same sentence as “16-0"

Todd Bowles:

Not a fair comparison of rookies, Bill. Luka is 19. Larry was 33.

Even if he doesn’t end up being as great as he’s being pumped up to be, the NBA is better for him having come over. He’s one of the funnest players in the league, already.

He’s not an idiot, though.

Hear he’s great with kids!

It’s like he wants to shout and cheer but his voice was stolen by an evil sea witch, so all he can do is open his mouth and hope for the best.

- Have the Jags start Blake Bortles or Cody Kessler at QB

I look forward to future interim coaches Jim Boylin, Jim Boilan, Jim Boylyn and Jim Boyardee

- Have DeSean Waston back at QB

SMH, failed to recognize the true heroes...

INTANGIBLES: Former Jaguars head coach Jack Del Rio once wore a suit during a game, something that really should catch on if the NFL wants to make more headway in Europe, whose football managers typically wear suits. It is entirely possible the Colts utterly withered before the legacy of that rare but unforgettable m

They had to attempt the headbutt again after the first one was called back for offsides.

What I want to know is when will the leaders of the Yinzer community finally speak out about this and do something?!?

Thielen: That’s bullcrap!

I still maintain that Wiggins would have been a much better player if he got to stay in Cleveland and learn under Lebron.

This makes two separate #1 picks that Cleveland has made this decade that have turned into guys who probably wouldn’t even go in the lottery if they redid the draft.

An underrated funny story here is just how excited local Basketball writers, who in Toronto are very much the low guys on the totem pole, were a few years ago for the potential Canadian National Team that was supposed to be a contender at the 2020 Olympics.

I’m going to take a shot and say the first was at Texas?

That clock sure got yeeted, amirite?