Holiday Rambler

football games

Flutie briefly attended Hoover Jr. High in Indialantic, FL (where I attended 9th grade 20 years later). He came to some party for the school with his wife and couldn’t have been nicer. This would’ve been 1996 or so, so he was dominating the CFL at the time. Me and two buddies approached him to talk about the BC

Supplemented with multiple viewings of the "You Could Be Mine" video.

Absolutely fantastic audience shots in the Neil Young vid.

I feel ya. We have a great relationship with this side of the family, as long as noooothing topical/social/political comes up. I try to dial my brain down a few notches when we visit. I’ve learned to physically walk away whenever discussion turns to the...uh, pressing issues of the day.

Sorry for the quality, but here are a few more gems.

According to the new bumper sticker in my father in-law’s garage, Trump has “BRAINS & BALLS.” So this absolutely idiotic, screaming-into-a-bullhorn-"look-at-my-micropenis" request by 45 is perfectly on brand for his hopelessly deluded base.

lol, was that a combination of “liberal” and “retard”????

that’s gold, dude

I have to go see this dogshit team on Sunday, and I’m the designated driver.

Yo! Though he struck me as a bit of a bro/bee, Gabbert inherited a complex situation coming in as numero-muno in J-ville. He threw way more intees than toodees in 2011, sure, but the whole culture is/was foofa down there in Duval. Yo!

Wife’s brother. Grew up in a small midwestern town, went into the Navy, was literally told to shape up or ship out, opted to ship out, went back to the same midwestern town, and has been there ever since. Now *very* into politics. 

They *appeared* to be some sort of historical fiction, as in doughy-ass, titty-baby Rush inserting himself as a character or intellectual voice of reason during the Revolutionary War.

My brother in-law bought me two Rush Limbaugh books for Xmas a few years ago. It definitely wasn’t a joke, so to this day I’m not sure if he A) has never paid even a second of attention to any political opinion or comment I’ve ever made or B) his brain is calcified oatmeal after years of listening to AM talk radio.

I was on a flight from ATL to Portland, ME in 2017 that was overbooked by 4 seats. 2 people exited for $1500 each, many minutes went by, another exited for $1800, many many more minutes went by, and finally some lady gave up her seat for $2500. That’s roughly 4 roundtrips to Portland.

I don’t agree with electricity. No problem with it, but I just refuse to see eye-to-eye with it.

No comment and don’t message me again.”

Yes. Thank you. But I always wonder — do they not notice they’re doing it, or do they think there’s nothing wrong with it?

The pair of cars pacing each other, side by side, in the left and middle (or left and right) lanes, for MILES at a time, doing 68 mph, both unaware or uninterested in the dozens of cars lined up behind them, working together to perfectly encapsulate the oblivious and utterly self-absorbed nature of the average

I’m an idiot suburban homeowner who hates bugs, and even *I* know that you call a goddamned bee specialist for bee problems. You don’t initiate a complete and pointless honeycaust.

I couldn’t be bothered to buy Donruss that year, I was too infatuated with Topps’ innnnnnnnncredibly poorly designed scratch-off promotion. Anyone recall it?