Holiday Rambler

I delivered to a motel once, and two 20-something girls answered the door in bras and panties. I think I just stood there stammering and mumbling like a moron, and so whatever kinky shit they may have been up for vanished quickly.

I delivered pizzas throughout college (99-03, Hungry Howie’s, Florida). My most interesting delivery story: I drove a baked sub over to a university apartment complex, and the place is of full of frat-like douches in visors. The total was $5.63 or something. The guy who ordered pulls out a five dollar bill and goes

I can see you have a long and detailed understanding of the history of civil protest in America and beyond. Thanks for the insight.

For the record, no one engaged my father-in-law. The argument didn’t evolve out of a conversation anyone was having with him. He’s a not-so-latent racist man who seethed and muttered

I didn’t include the context of him repeatedly referencing “niggers” who “deserved it” while, to repeat, he was standing in my living room.

You’re certainly not saying my wife’s defense of the first amendment qualifies as a “stupid political trend.” Am I reading that right?

This is almost exactly my thought process, but, you know...the wife obviously wants things to work out. We’ll see how things go at Xmas (if they still come visit.)

My wife and I got in a straight-up screaming match with my father in-law Sunday night (the in-laws were staying with us), right about when the anthem was playing during the OAK/WAS game. Two full days later, after grousing and pounding beers in silence, he and my wife got into another screaming match in my front yard

Meanwhile, on the sidelines...

Dude...we might be Taste Brothers. I follow the current iteration of Complete on Facebook and a good buddy of mine very nearly did the artwork for their recent CD (until the singer “Curt” admitted they had no money to spend.)

“...the kind of person who looks at Kraft, Belichick and Brady and say “Yeah, this is something I want to cheer for”. 

Thing is...Kraft, Belichick, and Brady didn’t always look the way they look today. Kraft once seemed like a semi-reasonable dude who paid for his own stadium. Belichick was just some guy who had

All-time top 3 internet, right here.

Moronic. And the evidence that the always-rock-solid NFL investigative branch covered up the totez moar serious stuff is...? The ESPN report that consisted entirely of unnamed sources?

I live in Atlanta. Fall is easily the best season here. In Summer, every cell in my body cries out, “NO! NO! BACK INSIDE!” the moment I venture where the air ceases to be conditioned.

Glad his potential is being met. Orioles brass has had a hard time trying to Peg Bundy.

I wonder if it rises to the level of reason and intellect found in the PFT comments.

Seems like he pulls off these kinds of spectacles in practices/warmups fairly regularly now, but has grabbed exactly one (1) during an actual game. Unless I’m missing something.

Impressive catch? Yup. But does it signal OBJ as a new breed of pigskin-catching, gluey-handed mutant receivers? No.


Seriously, when is this starting? I’m so pathetic and horny for WYTS, I went back and checked when previous versions started. It was always around now, the final week in July.


Can’t wait to read the PFT commenter takes on this. Those guys make Hannity look like Paul Mooney.