
who is that guy? and why is he eating puppies 0.0?

the monkey makes me feel better about myself =]

ahaha I thought it was really funny XD gotta show this to my boyfriend hehehe


I dont know... banjo kazooie games always look weird... I would rent it if I had a 360 ;'(

omg! a camel with moustache!!!! >:3 that's hot!!!!!1!1!!111!!!

aww its such a cute game! More people need to do reviews when they are sleepy :D it is very entertaining!!

viva pinata is OK.... my little sister loves it so that takes all the fun out of liking it >.> don't know why but its super slow on my computer too ><

I usually like to make the game extremely hard for myself my first play through (for some crazy reason) like when I play zelda, I try my best to only use 3 hearts (but I end up getting more to continue on XD) but sometimes I make it too hard on myself and I don't even finish the game (ff12, star ocean:tteof,and ff8

you know I'm trying to work on that balancing thing too XD right now I have a butt load of homework but instead I'm on my computer looking at kotaku stuff =] when will I ever learn!

I WANT TO PLAY THIS BAD! *Sigh* but I need to get an xbox 360 friend first =[! I looved the first two <3 I'm sure it will deliver and live up to the last two ^^~ The "mumbo's nuts" sign makes me giggle XD

aww cute story ^^~ and happy mother's day to all the moms!

omg that was hilarious! especially the star fox part XD "do a barrel roll!" XDDDD

god I cant think right now... the most annoying/hardest game for me was this Jurassic park game for gameboy... that game was crap! it was like impossible to play! I have only gotten to like level 3 or something @_@

MY EYES! *asplodes*

ahahahahahahaha! I love it :D

I always lose my game disks d(._.)b! Im so glad I wont always need it to play <3 this makes me want to play it even more!!!

looooove the pic of the kitten holding a ds XD aha

it sounds like an awesome idea :D but I have a feeling someone would hack it and beat the crap out of everyone with their super-human skills =/