ahaha I couldnt stop laughing XD I think it might be useful for people learning how to ride maybe =/ or handicapped kids or something =//// but still its really expensive...
ahaha I couldnt stop laughing XD I think it might be useful for people learning how to ride maybe =/ or handicapped kids or something =//// but still its really expensive...
I always thought the sims would be a nice game for therapist to use :P because the way you make your sims and based on the actions you do says a lot about you. I usually make female sims that are smart and then male sims that are lazy and stupid and they get married to the girl who then has an affair after their first…
it somehow reminds me of building gummy ships in kingdom hearts... maybe thats just me 0.0
huh.... well everyone's body is different, its kind of hard to put a number on whats fat and whats skinny some people look skinny but really are technically fat its weird
I bet all the employees there have to get temporary wii fit add tattoos X3
omg! that was the best thing ever! XD maybe dance offs(or ddr offs I guess XD) will become more popular :3
lol what a lame game (from what I read in the comments) its really bugger O_< I can imagine that.... wonder why it got a sequel...
everytime I think of midway... I think of.....
oh my fucking god... I have pokemon puzzle league for n64 still XD ahahaha
rotfl! that reminds me of a conversation I had with one of my friends about "The world that never was" from kingdom hearts XD