
Jezebel disagrees with you. This is fucking awkward, eh?

Maybe you just got lucky and got a quiet one. Find something worth defending, since Sony can take care of itself and really doesn't need you to take up for the PS4 when someone has a bad experience with it.

Do you think it is possible that you and the OP have different PS4s which work in different ways?

I know this will hurt feelings in some circles but a lot of this seems to stem from the fact that we need to accept that bloggers aren't real journalists. Bloggers give opinions and don't really act impartial. They bring their "peopleness" for lack of a better word into issues and this isn't necessarily a bad thing

Lets move on.

Room in the news and my (white) brain for two news stories. Also, I am able to prioritize them and treat them accordingly. So are most other people.

Anyone who has a viewpoint different from the feminist viewpoint will be shouted down and shamed, and this blog is one of the worst offenders. It doesn't matter how you frame your difference of opinion it will not be tolerated. Equality can not tolerate difference.

I do expect journalists to be unbiased. I expect doctors to be ethical. I expect the police to obey the same laws they enforce. Expecting people to do their jobs well is not crap.

gr8 b8 m8

It seemed like something that should have been handled internally. The writers took things public and now people are doing what they do and making judgements. They get to do that.

No articles lamenting the PS4 exclusives that Xbox owners are missing out on?

I am really hoping you quit rather than being fired because if you can't write for Gawker you either suck tit as a writer or you lost both hands in a tragic boating accident.

Seriously. When did being a cynical know it all become shorthand for gamer? I prefer to look at it as company doesn't consider it a priority, outcry is made by customers, and company works to satisfy customer. Say what you like about MS, but their record has been pretty consumer friendly lately.

I would like to point out that condoms, IUDs, orthotrycyclin all make excellent birth control as opposed to using abortion as birth control. I know this was written two years ago, and I hope that you have decided that abortion is not birth control but I feel like it needs to be pointed out.

Two years later but he needs a therapist. A psychiatrist is for meds.

Hello gamers. Can you please stop supporting games that aren't finished so that companies will actually have to produce a finished product to cash in? Thanks!

When they put out an early access game and take your money while stating that they continue to work on the game and stating they will release it, they do owe you shit.

I see. Good luck with the hair then.

You don't give up, do you? OPs post was on topic and related to the article above it, everything involving black people is racialized in the US, non-black women face unfair beauty standards that aren't lesser than those faced by black women, and I won't be shouted down or dismissed as intellectually feeble. Deal with

I can overlook the animation style if the stories are great.