
I'll take "Colors that Rhyme with Urple" Alex.

The best surveillance devices can't be turned off. Which is why your Mom makes an excellent spy toy. See what I did there? Now we are both making jokes!

Grats, you're that guy.

Thai curry is best curry. How do you feel about thai green curry?

There have always been pussies and helicopter parents. I am sure football will survive regardless of what sport your generation decides is safe enough for your kids to play.

Grantland knows how to deal with dry material, that is for sure.

Nope, but I am a 5000 guy too! I can't tell you how many episodes I watched before I bit on sending a letter to that address in the bottom corner of my screen.

The only way Ohio State is going to play anyone worth a damn all season is to get into this game. Am I wrong in assuming that Ohio State has some control over its non-conference scheduling. If yes, then maybe they put some modern powerhouses on its schedule. Playing a mediocre SEC team would go a long way towards

How in the fuck are the kids supposed to study though, smart guy? You don't really expect them to play the games in December when the kids are out of school for the whole month anyhow, do you? Who decides shit through competition, anyhow? What is the deal with airline food?

Hey now!

Well, fucking yourself doesn't bring rape charges. Unless you're Skip Bayless, the only man who is so hated by everyone, himself included, that masturbation would be non-consensual.

Hello new friend!

Totally how you quit abusing heroin. Probably works for being gay, non-white, and mentally retarded too.

Just as all Americans are fat and stupid, everyone knows all of Britain eats from cans

You do have a fair point. Part of good design is that it conveys proper use of the thing in question, and if the game really were brilliantly designed it would be more intuitive. The game is a good design though because it has consistent rules that can be followed for success in the game. Good, but not brilliant

That is like asking the scorpion not to sting.

It really shouldn't matter if the lead is male or female if the movie is good.

Honestly, I think it is all about console gamers not enjoying using a mouse/keyboard setup to game at a desk instead of using a controller while chilling on the couch. I introduced some friends of mine to the miracle of the 360 controller/Steam Big Picture setup and watched their gaming habits change. They now base PC

Because the internet.

There is no way you could possibly believe that. Really, trying to compare the two is impossible. If they didn't share game releases then really PC gaming and console gaming could exist side by side and not interact at all. I own consoles and a face melting PC and I use them for completely different gaming purposes.