
FBI Special Agent Mike Hertz.

Alan Wake 2! Let’s fucking gooooo! I will shit my pants if that FBI agent’s partner is Max Payne (same voice actor, Sam Lake as the body/face? If it’s not, it’s way too obvious an homage.)

It’s not that it would be harder, it’s that it would be exactly as hard. They would probably have to jump through the same hoops as before, and who knows how long that’ll take.

So, they’ll release these on physical media, right? Right? They wouldn’t just erase these shows from existence for no reason like Konami did with P.T., right?

So, it sounds like my MAL account wouldn’t have looked any different.

While we’re at it, maybe explain to them that Anheuser-Busch owns Bud Light and Busch Light.

Republicans: “Hmm. You know, you make a good point in favor of this bill. Denied!”

A broken clock and all that.

I’ve been saying the same thing for a while now. If toddlers getting shot to death in a targeted attack changed nothing about the gun debate (except maybe making certain types cling to them tighter) than nothing will. End of story.

If anything this video will gain him more followers from hateful misogynists who were on the fence because they thought he was all talk.

It’s the same as the whole “Jesus was absolutely Black” claim. All their evidence is is that the history takes place in the present-day Middle East, which includes parts of Africa, therefore this prominent historical figure MUST have been Black (because it makes them feel important). The truth is we don’t know for

Hey now, he might be into that.

Nah, Chikorita all the way. It has a leaf on it’s head and a ring of buds around it’s neck that bloom into flowers as it evolves. Ivysaur and Venusaur are too confrontational-looking, but Bayleef and Meganium still look chill. And they’re all green.

This is exactly my point. The attitude around this GAME seems to be “Get shiny cardboard” and nothing else. It’s the same for other card games, too, like Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic: The Gathering. I can’t tell you how many pack opening videos I’ve seen that just devolve into “where’s the rare???!??!” and it drives me nuts.

This is the part where I casually mention that I still play Yu-Gi-Oh.

“We will continue to do our best so that everyone can enjoy the Pokémon card game,” The Pokémon Company said. 

Could you imagine Elijah Wood voicing Spyro?

potentially imperiling everything from HIV drugs, birth control, and covid vaccines

DeSantis wants a “thorough review and investigation” into the qualifications of the former board members. He also wants the state’s authorities to check and see if there was any “involvement of Walt Disney World employees and agents” or “financial gain or benefit derived by” the company in passing the constraining

Conservative nut jobs like Kid Rock have created these parasocial relationships with “blue collar” brands like Bud Light, which they’ve decided are representative of their falsely constructed “real American” image.