
Honestly, I wouldn’t want to get cornered in REmake 4, even with a shotgun, so that extra window is a godsend.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently and, yeah, it’s absolutely unreasonable to expect a company to keep servers online for a console they stopped manufacturing and supporting (hypothetically) decades ago. While preservation is important, and I wish that Nintendo was doing more than drip feeding old games

That’s our Completey Pete.

I’ve been saying it this whole time: Republicans can’t see past their own nose. They make all these spiteful decisions, passing laws and setting precedents, without ever stopping to wonder how it could be used against them. See also; Gavin Newsom using Texas’ abortion witch hunt law to restrict guns.

I guess you could say he “popped off”.

I watched Maximilian Dood play the RE4 remake demo and he initially tried smashing background environment boxes (i.e. unbreakable decorative crates). Even (or especially) someone familiar with games can misunderstand what something is without some experimentation or signposting.

Yeah, walking the halls of Congress especially...

You know, I was just thinking about mods for this demo, and wondering if someone could mod Leon into Sherry from RE2 remake.

I live in a state that not too long ago passed “Consitiutional Carry” laws, meaning (to super summarize) no one is not allowed to have and carry a gun. My brother even went to a local supermarket and bought a gun the same day! There was the slight issue of needing a certain form of ID that he didn’t have, so he just

Jill was also infected with the T-Abyss virus in Revelations 1, since she literally swims in a giant pool of it. Just sayin’.

She could get a boyfriend if her personality was less off-putting, and she knows it. Despite this, she refuses to change who she is. She’s not the bore. It’s everyone else who’s in the wrong.

I just hope it retains the spirit of the original trilogy, from easy to learn/difficult to master gameplay to (huge) roster. Hopefully they take a cue from the Xenoverse series in roster only and use as many characters as they can get away with.

Cartoons, the most creatively liberating medium, is also the least democratized.

How do you eat if you can’t work?

Except that working in-betweens is how most animators start out. How is anyone supposed to break in to the industry if we eliminate entry-level jobs?

There’s a real lack of Silent Hill in this list, and honestly I can see why. Konami still hasn’t made the originals (or really any others in the series for that matter) easily available/available at all, and you really can’t advocate for sailing the high seas now can you.

True, but that’s what causes the AI to mess up hands. Because they’re so hard to draw for actual artists, the AI can’t get a firm grasp on what they’re supposed to look like, so the outcome looks horrific. And I do mean horrific. I’ve seen some images with tens of fingers appearing from impossible space.

Short answer: Look at it, especially the hands.

It’d be really hard to credit the artists whose works are being amalgamated into these generated “works,” since as I understand the process it can use hundreds from various sources all over the web. Existing AI programs probably would have to be rewritten a bit to store and output the “inspirational works” to give

I’d argue that at this point Misty’s age is ambiguous. Sure, she was like 12 back when the anime started, but in the games (which her design on these cards are based on) time has clearly passed since then.