Specifically, the sixth game in the series
Specifically, the sixth game in the series
Who said Elden Ring can’t win most anticipated game this year?
How is a Pokemon evolution a spoiler, though? It’s not a plot point, it’s basically a game mechanic. Are we not allowed to say that the next Call of Duty game with have quick-scoping?
Apparently, you’re not allowed to talk about a game at all until it’s released now.
Hollywood is slowly finding out that more equitable casting leads to better box office performance. (The New York Times says that Hollywood loses $10 billion a year by dragging their feet on diversity.)
Don’t forget about the racist views of these chuds that Japanese women are better wives for being docile homemakers (basically slaves that can’t complain) and if there are any that complain, they’ve become “Westernized sluts.”
Try not to lose any brain cells trying to fathom how stupid this is, but as I understand it, people (average Twitter users) were using the blue checks as a sort of pre-verifying of sources. So, if JK Rowling said that trans people eat babies to keep their penii from growing back, you can take that as truth because she…
I’m about as surprised by this as I am of my next breath.
Who wouldn’t be surprised if they put all their budget into this scam at the cost of any and all other projects?
Silent Hill fan here. I couldn’t be happier to not know how it feels, bro, but boy was I worried. I am very sorry, though.
...playing against highly skilled players that body him, and he isn’t having fun with the established “meta” and the “good guns” folks regularly use.
Look, Amber Heard is just a human being like the rest of us. I mean, who among us hasn’t had the cops called in an airport to break up a domestic or slashed the clothes of our ex’s current partner at a party or recorded our SO freaking out while we laughed or shit on the streets of Spain during a bender. Nobody’s…
I mean, that’s the nuance, but this article seems to prefer broad strokes and blunt assertions, so I was just speaking in their terms.
I know some folks are worried this could kill the game’s famous tension, but I’m also curious to see how Capcom takes advantage of the player’s newly boosted mobility to ratchet up the intensity during larger fights.
I already know why people would want to leak them: sexual gratification and the sadistic gratification of knowing you “took them down a peg.” Also, “slut-shaming” or whatever. I want to know why anyone thinks they have a sense of privacy in this, our world of corporations selling private information, constant data…
Knowing that James is a murderer going in ruins the entire game. Like anything with a twist, its story is dependent on the mystery. He’s intentionally milquetoast and a little strange to throw you off and project yourself onto him before revealing that he’s irredeemable and vile. That’s one of the biggest horror…
The photo was reportedly taken after the team secured the Big Ten championship in November, and it shows some team members posing with their sports bras lifted.
Don’t forget about the Silent Hill 2 merch!
That “R” in front of his name is everything.
What about the other officer? They seemed to survive that fall without notable injuries, or at least without dying afaik.