
Incidentally, “Light Novel Titles Fill Me with Such an Overwhelming Rage” is a good light novel title.

I remember an article from not too long ago about a guy complaining that the city wouldn’t install a speed bump near his house, despite all his attempts. He was killed by one of the assholes speeding down the road.

The allegations include deleting emails as a public record, insubordination, failing to cooperate with an internal investigation and being dishonest with the media.

But if you think I’m going to spend money on a new N64 controller in 2021

If he hadn’t said it, we would all still be saying it. I don’t care how much you checked with health officials and how many people signed off on this event, a close indoor gathering is not a good look right now.

Re: Double XP -

I hope so.

Bayonetta, Nier Automata, P.N. -03. Nah, I’m getting more Oneechanbara vibes than anything.

That’s absurd and a slap in the face to victims of crime.


Yeah, this ain’t Tuskeegee, though. Plenty of white people have taken it already and are alive and well. Just take it.

Me: “I hate card-based gameplay.”

Then just pretend I’m talking to one of the hundreds of other users who HAVE to mention Raspberry Pi whenever any technology is presented.

It makes me want to pull my hair out. Every. Single. Article. Boom. There they are droning on and on about Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi.

There he is! The Pi Stans are here everybody!

I have never been more flaccid. Card-based combat is like the Exodia of gameplay features: It obliterates my interest in the game, no matter what.

I ended Saints Row 1 in a giant purple pimp outfit with my pimp cane shotgun getting blown up on a boat. Saints Row 2 had a zombies mode right as that was getting popular, but not big. The series has always been about zany outlandishness, but all I see in this trailer is an emotive kitty cat helmet. Even if the game

From what I heard, they have Ed cast already. IIRC, it’s the girl that played young Gamora in Infinity War. Do with that what you will.

Again, wtf is supposed to be the difference when all these treatments are equally new and require a fucking injection?