
First Rand Paul, now DeSantis. I guess MTG is next. I fully believe that all these high-profile anti-maskers are making money off the pain and suffering of literal fucking children. Hmm. Wait. Using children’s pain and suffering to gain political power. Where have I heard that before? I guess they really are just

Some would argue since 3 or even as far back as 2.

If only someone did this in real life.

With the exception of some of the Decepticon jets Gundam is probably faster over a sprint distance

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it to my dying breath: Fuck that bootstraps shit. It always comes from someone way removed from what happened.

But judging from Greene’s long face, she was very unhappy.

According to MTG, use of the following on public officials:

I bought a shitty combo laptop/tablet computer I never use about a decade ago for about $300, so yeah I agree, this guy’s talking nonsense.

Valve has said that, since it’s basically a gaming PC, it can run other launchers that are available on PC. I don’t know about PSNow but Game Pass, GOG Galaxy, Uplay, Epic Games Store, etc. should run on it, according to them.

She did seem to go into attack mode when she saw she was being filmed. Funny, isn’t it, how racists seem to know that what they’re doing is wrong and quickly change tenor once they realize others are/will be watching?

Why is this a thing?!?

Won’t that be a bit distracting for fans of the games? Like Marlene is Marlene, but Tommy is some other guy? Why?

I just want to play as “Repairmanmanmanman!!!”

I thought this was a “Don’t try this at home” PSA. I will, in fact, try this double jump at home.

Nintendo would, but they’d make it available only for a limited one-month window, then gone forever.

Yeah, most of the arguments I’ve heard are “Won’t you think of the poor doctors? How will they ever make ends meet if an ER visit didn’t cost tens of thousands of dollars!?” despite doctors being among the highest-paid profession in America, or they’ll do the usual “No one would want to be a doctor if they weren’t

Nah, it clearly makes more sense for him to have taken it home, with the plastic still on the screens, make dozens of videos hyping up the car, then put it in transport mode specifically for this video so that people can say the video is fake, thereby increasing the credibility of the video. /s

Sounds like classic Tesla“user error” to me.

This shouldn’t have come as a surprise to people who are familiar with Cawthon’s history. FNAF started out as an innocuous Christian game, but people said the characters were creepy-looking so he leaned into it. It’s not too far out of left field (or maybe right?) to believe that he has some fundamentalist ties.

There’s a reason only his mouth is exposed.