
Cannon did not storm a Capitol building with violent intent

 i feel like it’s fucked up they have so much power they can get shoes cancelled.

That’s why they use “communism,” “socialism,” “Marxism,” “Maoism,” “Stalinism,” et al interchangeably, all as insults.

Also, pedophilia and child molestation. I guess those are a-ok so long as abortion and homosexuality aren’t involved.

Sounds like another case of “user error.”

Personally, I kind of like the rock bottom stakes of the Build series. All of the main series have so much death and depression that it’s good to get away from that sometimes. Most of us are getting enough of that in real life, sadly...

Start off easy, though. Pick your favorite and see if you can get a High Grade. Don’t try for Real Grade or Master Grade until you’ve got some experience.

Love it or hate it, you can finish it in one sitting so it’s not that much of a time sink. Worse-case scenario, you wasted almost 2 hours of your life to find out what all the fuss is about.

Maybe we’ll get a fan-edit that tries to take the best of both worlds and force it into one version?

Have you seen Lady Hunk from Resident Evil Revelations?

And piracy is so cheap and effective that it’s a wonder that games even cost money anymore! /s

Bowser’s Fury, in terms of gameplay style, is exactly what I’d wanted from 3D Land back in the day, but they instead went with this timer/flagpole/ 2.5D style that kills any sense of exploration in these games.

This seems cruel, in a way.

I think it was censored for the news story, though.

Here is to hoping that the impeachment happens (it totally won’t happen) and that this man can never run for president again.

That’s stupid. I know video game companies want to keep their stuff a surprise, but these days everything leaks, from a major motion picture to a new menu item at Taco Bell. There’s never not going to be leaks about a project. Get over it, Nintendo.

Not to mention anti-government types (especially the current government), and there’s already been a split in the PBs, since the old leader admitted that they’re a violent white supremacist hate group and that Tarrio was just a token to make them seem like a legitimate boy’s club.

Not to mention anti-government types (especially the current government), and there’s already been a split in the PBs, since the old leader admitted that they’re a violent white supremacist hate group and that Tarrio was just a token to make them seem like a legitimate boy’s club.

I don’t know about the democrats thing, though. A friend who has family that lives there told me it’s more conservative than you might think. It could serve to balance out the tipping of power towards the democrats that adding DC would absolutely achieve.