
See, THIS is what I wanted Super Mario 3D World to be; 3D Land’s graphical style and controls (for the most part) with the classic 3D Mario (64, Sunshine, Galaxy, etc.) gameplay style. My main complaint with Mario 3D Land and World was the time limit for the levels. One of my favorite Mario platformers is Yoshi’s

Maybe it takes more resources to make a female Funko Pop?

Meh. Just call it performance art or a social experiment, then you’re fine.

Oh, no! He can’t associate with any white supremacists anymore? B-but that’ll just make him the loneliest motherfucker on Earth!

Yes, because Biden and Trump totally have the same height, build, frame, gait, movement patterns, speech patterns, et al.

Hell, bring back Raid Mode or even Mercenaries. Just stop with the competitive multiplayer already. You’ll never be Fortnite, Capcom. And frankly, you shouldn’t want to be.

... but “because she does work at a hospital and she obviously went to a protest with many people and she wasn’t wearing a mask.”

I was thinking the same thing as Michael Rappaport when I was watching the footage. When the riot cops pushed back the crowd, there was a guy standing on a barrier taunting the cops, and I remembered that old dude that got shoved and cracked his skull during the BLM protests (and he was white!!). Before that, there

I feel like he’s the Japanese Rob Liefeld. He’s famous, he has fans, and people seem to love his art, but his art can’t stand up to any scrutiny. I mean, Harley’s eyes seem to be pooping out from her head and yet still seem too small. Her bangs are sticking up about a foot straight up, and her cleavage starts about

Somehow I thought this was some method for stopping a tantrum by reading a screenplay out loud. Somebody try that.

I like that these idiots seem to think “Democrat” is an insult. Oh, no. Not the one major party that actually gives a shit about people no whiter than printer paper and richer than Belgian chocolate! What a horrible insult! They really do seem to realize that they’re terrible people, and they just don’t care.

Not to mention basically every high level Trump stooge is breaking away from the election fraud conspiracy already. Even Barr, who he’ll presumably need for most of this plan to work basically admitted there was no fraud. His list of loyalists ready to charge into battle for him grows shorter by the day. That’s not to

Even as President, he had a habit of owing motherfuckers money and doing shit-all to pay it back. Just ask any city he campaigned in over the past five years.

I have that, and it feels awkward to play. I do much better with a NES controller, and I didn’t even grow up with Mega Man! That was the first thing I though of, though, when I read this article.

Actually, Trump supporters branded themselves long ago, with dumb red trucker hats and slack-jawed directionless anger.

The point is to trick people into believing Borat is a real person. While many Americans are lacking in geographical knowledge, it still helps to claim you’re from a place that actually exists.

Lawrence went on to say that she grew up in a Republican house, “where I could see the fiscal benefits of some of the Republican policies

Maybe they’ll finally stick the landing.

So, who’s Kanye? The hacker (I forget his name)?