
I think it’s pronounced “Duh-veed Per-due-way.

Trump also claimed that “Bill has got to move” or this would go down in history as a “very sad situation” if he doesn’t indict people.

It reminds me of that scene in Doctor Sleep.

Something something user error something something clearly your fault something blah blah blah.

Yeah! There are so many more Fire Emblem characters not yet in Smash!

I call it like I see it, and frankly, Pelosi’s being too nice. “Mindless drones” seems more accurate.

I wanted to play Mario Odyssey so bad, and when I finally got my hands on it, I just wanted to go back to playing A Hat in Time. Odyssey’s controls aren’t very complex, but the “advanced” moves like diving are intentionally made more complicated than they need to be. Instead of mapping it to one button (like in AHiT),


Don’t forget her horse face.

Lest we forget, before covid and all the in-game performances, Fortnite was losing players. All of this is another desperate attempt at reviving their golden hen.

They really do seem to be obtuse on that point, at least as far as I have been able to find. Does it play the PS4 discs, or do you have to re-buy PS4 games digitally? Will they have PlayStation Now available to easily access some of the games?

Between this and Activision sacrificing worker salaries to shovel money down the throats of their highest-paid employees, I’m fully convinced that it’s run by alt-right dickwads. Fuck Activision.

At this point I’m just hedging my bets that Marvel will do Superman better than DC using Hyperion or The Sentry. Movies? Video games? TV? I really don’t care. Take your pick.

All this shows is that Epic wanted special treatment, were rejected, and tried to skirt the agreement that they signed. It sure doesn’t sound like Apple shit the bed...

Jesus, Epic. YOU broke your contract with Apple by getting greedy, so YOU pay the price!

Jesus, dude, what do you have against vaginas?

I saw someone claim that ONLY Democrats were named in Maxwell’s documents, despite Trump being on a plane manifest and Dershowitz...well, just read this article. I agree that we should burn them all, even if one of them is Obama (which I don’t know for sure, just an example), but those conservative motherfuckers seem

Associating with Trump and being skeevy AF tend to go hand in hand.

Of course Japan would never make it! It has absolutely nothing to do with High School!