Honestly, my first impressions after playing it was it felt a lot like the Strider reboot in style and presentation. And there are scenes where shit can get really chaotic if you’re not paying attention.
Honestly, my first impressions after playing it was it felt a lot like the Strider reboot in style and presentation. And there are scenes where shit can get really chaotic if you’re not paying attention.
“Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence when built.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
Wasn’t there a version of Zelda in the arcade play choice 10?
That clip with the bird is strangely hypnotic.
I’ve had three to date and I’m in the same camp. They are just basically chicken fries and you really don’t get anything much beyond that flavor. Not hateful but not amazing either.
Yeah, but at least it was easy credit.
Strangely enough, they were one of the few to use the .net domain correctly. As in, NETWORK.
I’ll just call it the Blizzard Wizard cause to me, it’s maaaagggiiiccc.
Your honor, a bird shit on my car. Therefore, I demand the immediate death of all birds.
I didn’t think it was possible but I believe we’ve found someone with thinner skin that Donald Trump.
An instance of Sonic is copyrighted while the Sonic character and logos related to him are trademarked. Both can apply to a single IP.
That and launching it unannounced months ahead of schedule in the U.S. I was working at Electronics Boutique at the time and remember opening a box and freaking out because we had no idea they were coming.
That ram cart giving the Saturn 6MB of ram made it a 2D monster. I am really upset that Sega second guessed itself because the Saturn was really a great console and a lot of Japanese games for it proved it.
Rachel Maddow on MSNBC wears them pretty much all the time from what I’ve seen. She’s just usually behind a desk so you never see them.
Right. A country that wouldn’t allow Ghostbusters because you’re a bunch of superstitious morons. A country that has next to zero concern for intellectual property rights. You go, powerhouse.
You don’t need to chase upgrades every 6 months other than for bragging rights.
It better not or Jim Sterling will have a god damned stroke. He loathes “fee to pay” games.
Only if you consume 80% before demanding a refund which is what a lot of these people seem to be doing with NMS.