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    No. What I do have something to say is about preRC software demos and how they aren't always perfect, so your "chugging" comment is pretty poorly founded.

    I would say that chugging through a keynote is pretty impressive. Even apple has had their share of keynote blunders, and sometimes even with a finished product.

    I thought it was shoo-in

    Same here

    By the way, I do think you need to see some sort of specialist about your anger. You seem like a very violent person. I suggest Valium. Or maybe just smoke some pot. Either way, you're going to end up killing someone if you keep it up. I mean, there is so much more you can be doing (other than popping arteries) with

    Wow! You found a blog that agrees with you! That's amazing! But you know what's really funny? You call me the grammar police, and yet YOU say things like this "LEARN HOW TO FUCKING WRITE." Double standard? Hypocrisy? Nah.

    95 wasn't bad.

    Hahaha oh wow. You really are retarded.


    he did that for the video, as to not give away his standard pass

    Very excited for Win8 on a tablet. Assuming it will run the normal desktop, tablets are finally worth buying (for me)

    1) Incorrect form usage is incorrect spelling. If I said "You their" instead of "You there" I still misspelled there. I also used the incorrect form. Doesn't make spelling errors any less pertinent.

    1) Grammar policing? More like pointing out your hypocrisy. Calling me ignorant when you can't even spell it.

    I guess you're right. I just couldn't resist.

    See, this is amazingly ironic for many reasons.

    Wait a second. You are trying to prove you aren't a troll, ass and /or douchebag, and you follow it up with "Up which of your holes should I shove your cookie?"

    LH has a great article on that my friend.

    BTW, I have been using Windows 8 for almost 2 days now; the UI not only flies, it soars. It is super intuitive, and meshes Metro and Classic quite well.

    No, just the grammar police. If I was a troll my name would be "LiveNLearn"

    "You would have know"