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    You know, I hate to say it, but if one of these came out for W (not that I liked the guy; I think he was terrible) but the headline would probably read "Great way to work off some political steam"

    You are very good at logical fallacies, I will tell you that. Two in one sentence, that is pretty good. The first being an ad hominid; having to resort to name calling doesn't help your argument. The second being a total misrepresentation of evidence and a total gross generalization . You stated that because there are

    If my high school algebra fails me, could this not be converted into a piecewise function pretty easily?

    1) By only mentioning the US in your argument (and not stating that the problems exist elsewhere) you claim that ignorant politicians and crazy people are a US only problem.

    I hate having things tjewed off

    I wish I had seen this before I posted...

    So a fancier looking iPod Touch then?


    Right. Because crazy people only exist in the US, and there aren't ignorant political movements elsewhere.

    Actually, both our arguments suck. Because we can just keep going.

    She isn't that bad. Sure, she unleashed a meme on the world that should never have seen the light of day, but who do we blame? Her, or the people who said "OMGLOLWTFBBQ YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS VIDEAH RIGHT NAO"?


    I feel bad for her.

    That is obviously margret thatcher

    This one is for people too.

    What about the guy who found it?

    GAH, you got me there

    There is no way the Iranian female cops video is real. It looks too much like a poorly done Onion video

    The title of the article is misleading (to me anyway). As someone who works with boats a lot (and I am pretty sure anyone else can see it too) I can say with relative certainty that boat is not sailing, it is motoring.

    Haha wow. Saying "two letters and a question mark" would be posting QF?.