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    A friend of mine decided about 8 years ago that he liked gold coins, and spent his social security check (his dad died or something) and his (hefty) allowance on gold coins for about 2 years.

    Wait, what?

    This is very true. Sad but true even.

    Even more if he is using an Oxygen torch...

    Sometimes you ride the wave, and sometimes the wave rides you.

    Duration is the key. Most people tend to live in their homes for a while, I don't know the exact average but I would guess it is over 5 years. But for someone just starting out, yeah that is great advice.

    Very very very true. And a mortgage can be very manageable. The trick is to take out a 15 or 30 year mortgage and pay it off like a 10 year. Not only will you pay slightly less in interest payments, but you will have a lower monthly payment, just in case money is tight for a few months.

    BTW, here is a quote from Tomas Jefferson you might find interesting "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms only disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes "

    Most home invasions are committed without firearms. And the trend is that home invasions are increasing, while guns are used less. So chances are, you won't come across a gun.

    Lots of things look to be correlated, when they really aren't. Not saying the riots AREN'T the cause. I am just saying it is very possible for it not to be with little thought. Considering that there are WAY more effective ways to protect your home in a riot. (Why aren't FarbGel and StoppRed sales skyrocketing as

    Exactly. They break in, you shoot them. Plus, how long do you honestly think it will take to grab a gun and get it from a locker? If it is under your bed, probably about 15 seconds. About as much time to fumble through your drawer to grab a knife and not too much more time to run and grab a bat from your closet.


    Yes~! and if it shatters, you can use the pointy end as a spear

    Those are the same people who would stab someone with a knife if they had it.

    Except it does? How many people do you think would invade your house if you had a 9mm in your hand?


    I sort of agree with you. Send in the goddamn military and shoot some people. Rubber bullets or not. These people are animals. There is a way to protest the death of someone, and this is not it.

    Interesting: yes. Correlation: yes. Causality: Probably not.

    ~150-250 for a device optimized to read a newspaper? No thanks.

    Does this mean we are an invasive specie?