
This is how I feel about golf.

Yet chess scholarships have been a thing for decades.

I think the main issue is most people think a 30 to 40k vehicle is sensible, regardless of lottery windfall or not.

Then good job! You’re not the majority! This obviously doesn’t apply to you!

I’m not saying that’s what I would buy. But it’s the most popular car with those who have a 7 figure net worth and 5 figure income. You could substitute that for a Hyundai Elantra, or even an NA Miata if you’re a serious Jalop.

And paying off the debts is a wise move. Especially if debt interest exceeds investment interest.

Ya if you get 6 figures in your twenties, the smartest thing you can do is invest that ASAP in proper index fund. Blowing 30 to 40k on a new car is setting the rest of your financial life up for disaster. And yes there will be who disagree. Those people also will never retire early, and will argue that their happiness

Will a couple lottery tickets a year make a difference? No. But those who say they’re “good with money” and even buy a couple lottery tickets, also buy a couple coffees instead of make their own. And they buy car washes a couple times instead of washing the car themselves. And they buy name brand food on “sale”

It’s quite popular in Russian designs. Usually 1 on top of the other though:

To quote... well many other people... we buy things we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like. Welcome to automotive consumerism. Your comparison doesn’t apply because you’re comparing a optional consumer product to quality of life. They couldn’t be more opposite.

Which goes back to my original comment. Everything is amazing, and nobody is happy.

Moore’s law doesn’t apply to cars. More advanced programs require more computing power. But gravity is still 1g.

Man, 15 years ago if you said 205 HP was disappointing in a Civic you’d be tared and feathered. Everything is amazing, and nobody is happy these days.

Extra cost, less aerodynamics.

First world problems.

Some of these people have OLD Eve money. And if you have enough startup capital, you can become very rich just by margin trading on the markets.

Shum thingsh in here don’t react sho well to bulletshshsh.

There was a little boy who lived in a far away land. Close to the boy’s home, there was a tall mountain, always covered in snow at the top. Also at the top of the mountain, there was an ancient monastery where ancient monks lived.

Sometimes, the little boy, as he was riding his tricycle around his yard, would look up

Sure it was. It’s called clickbait headlines.

I don’t think saving money is a thing here in this case.