
It feels even older when you’ve been around since the web hit the web.

This is Jalopnik. There is no why.

Chronic Boob!

Even if you build a giant dam, you still need to purge.

Your skin produces natural oils for a reason. And everyone wonders why the demand for dermatologists is on the rise these days. The past 100 years of advertising beauty products, have given us obsessive compulsive washing behavior. Striping the essential oils and producing all sorts of skin conditions. People hate wax

Because everything on the internet is true!

This is not really something to even consider an issue. If your drinking water and only water, and not eating anything at all for more than a week, then ok maybe. But the reason for this article is so that you can prepare so that your diet is adequate. Even just an oxo cube every couple days would fix this.

Mine too. Except the most recent one was straight from Apple themselves. He called them and they tried to tell him that Win10Pro doesn’t have Windows Defender and he needs to spend $199 on an AV package that they’d be happy to sell him. His problem for when he called? He forgot his AppleID password.

Mine are too. My grandpa was a trickster comedian, always laughing and making people laugh. When he passed, we payed our respects. When it was my turn to see him laying there, his foot moved to the side abruptly, and it scared the shit out of me. He was always joking around, even after he left this place.

1) That graph was a rough example and doesn’t reflect up to 2017 which is quite a bit higher (only about 12 to 13 years).

35 to 40 years means you have time on your side, and time is the index’s biggest asset:

One of the best comments i’ve read in a long time. You get all the stars.

I’ve always found great success in using video games to deal with difficult events. To me it helps to distract the mind while the body deals with repairing the difficult stuff, then after some time, the mind can deal with it, on easier terms. I’m sure there’s many disadvantages to this too and it’s not for everyone

True, but I guess this opens up the door for where would such an option exist? Aside from a lucrative pension, who gets a guaranteed $5000 a month? I’m willing to bet there’s more people in reality who would get some sort of large sum inheritance.

That’s a good point and something that needs to be factored in as well. I know at a retirement time some may opt to lock it into a GIC (or I guess they call them term deposits in the US) or lean more to a bond heavy portfolio. I think this is where learning to enjoy retirement while spending less comes into to play,

I think if people are getting their investment advice from Lifehacker, 6% is probably an excellent return for them, and they should just stick to index and bonds, with low fees. Like Vanguard as you mentioned.