
I agree that this can work but only for very few select people. Especially when even professionals often panic and invest based on their emotions. And you really need to understand if a company is undervalued or not. But if people are reading Twocents here, stock advice is probably the last thing they’re looking for.

You’re correct. The world hasn’t blown up for the past few thousand years but that doesn’t guarantee it won’t tomorrow.

In theory yes. But who buys $1 million in only 1 stock and never trades (i mean, there are crazy people out there sure)? VZ isn’t a widely diverse company like BerkHath. And commissioned buy on index funds would only be if you went ETF. I’m willing to bet most people would prefer a FnF fund based on percentage and

I’m also talking about much lower MER fees and no trading expenses.

Why would you choose 1 single stock that under performs the market, when you can invest in proper index funds and enjoy a much less volatile 7%? You also get to keep the 1 million capital, and no one says you have to spend the whole $5000 each month, so let the compound interest make it even better.

Taking the entire 1 million and investing in a proper index fund would net 7% annually on average (around $6000 a month in interest alone, and never touching the capital).

Welcome to the 21st century. Where 30 years ago we wanted today, and now that were at today, we want 30 years ago.

Everything not appropriate was appropriate in the 80s.

First World Problems my friend.

Apparently you’ve haven’t driven many cars from the 80s, who’s entire dash would short out often.

Yet one of the most popular cars ever sold had a center dash:

Some of the most popular Toyota cars do. Prius and Yaris.

You do earn/use it in game.

Mcdonalds: I don’t eat there anymore, but when I used to, mix mcchicken sauce and sweet and sour sauce, then use it for french fry dip.

Wow good big response, thanks. I’m definitely interested in this one.

Is this essentially like “A Dark Room”?

More people need to appreciate this comment.

Because apparently the media here thinks that disobeying driving laws should be the someone else’s fault. Welcome to click bait. This is how Jalop makes their money.

Yes and no. You still have to be wary in high security space but the risks are quite low once you master the basics (and once you master the basics, you know enough to be safe, and still won’t have anything worth destroying yet). The real fun comes when you explore low security space and beyond. The thrill of knowing